Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sorry about the week long absence

I feel like around this place the day to day tends to be the same, so there hasn't been much to write about.  I went to church on Saturday night after work and attended the longest service ever.  It was an hour and 45 min, all about adultery and not succumbing to it while deployed.  Definitely not applicable to me.  Thankfully the chaplain said most services are just over an hour.  After church I went to "the Bra" which is a place to hang out and where they serve alcohol.  A little weird going out for drinks after church but I was with one of the other nurses I work with and she hadn't eaten so we stopped for food and drinks.  
Work has been getting easier and I am working with a good group of nurses.  The two majors who are our element leaders have vowed that once everyone learns their job, they will make it a priority for us to get workouts in.  Including them, there are 4-5 nurses on the day shift which is plenty to take care of our usual patient load.  The last few days we had  Brittish soldier as the only patient in the ward.  He was pretty sick and they had to do an emergency exploratory surgery to see if he had a small bowel obstruction.  He didn't and the surgeon couldn't tell what was really wrong.  He was airevac'd out last night back to England.  I got pretty mad at the surgeon though because this guy was in so much pain and the surgeon blew it off at first.  He thought maybe in OB, we didn't expect our patients to feel pain- Ha!  These women have had major abdominal surgery too, I told him of course I expected my patient to feel pain but not as bad as he was going through.  Finally he upped his morphine dose but this guy will not accept any ideas from the nursing staff and I thought he needed something stronger and longer lasting than morphine, which he finally wrote for the next morning. 
I had today off but I had to get up early to go to a 7am commander's call.  After,  I went and saw a movie at the theater and then  lounged around all day.  It is amazing how tired I am after six days of work.  There will be pictures coming soon as I got my camera in the mail and will take pictures of all the places I go to.

Love, Megan

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