Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am enjoying my first day off of work.  Each week I will be off on Tuesdays.  I got to sleep in until almost 9:30 but it was on accident.  My room has a window that is covered in foil and heavy curtains, probably to keep out the heat, but it means that it is pitch black without the light on.  I am hopefully moving over to my permanent dorm today since they made my sponsor and all the people leaving this week move into tents.  I feel bad for them, I would have stayed where I am a few more days if it meant they could avoid tents, but I didn't have that option.  
It seems to be even more hot today than usual and much windier than it has been.  It is still really bright outside but there is a constant haze here which makes the sky and horizon this tan color.  It is very odd to look outside.  There is hardly any color here; everyone wears some version of tan or grey, all the buildings and tents are some version of tan and there are no trees, grass or even weeds.  It is all sand or rocks.  I was wondering why they have pebbles covering all the areas that don't have sidewalks or asphalt and today I realize it is probably to keep the dust blowing around at a minimum.  I need a shower after all of my walking around, I am covered in grit.  
I am taking my flight line driver's test tonight.  I have to do it in the day and night so we are going around 1830 so I can drive around when it is still light and then be driving as it gets dark.  I am pretty excited, this will mean that I can go get patients off of the C-130s by myself soon.  
Tops in Blue are performing tonight.  For those of you who don't know, they are the performing arts group of the Air Force and they put on a musical production. From what I remember, it is a great show.  They have been walking around base and working out in their special PT uniforms for a few days here at Al Udeid.
Hopefully once I move later today I will have better internet access.  Right now I have to go sit outside my trailer and can only do that in the evenings when it is cool but I am so tired then and that I just want to go to bed.  The other problem is that the wifi gets really bogged down in the evenings with everyone on.  Right now I found great access just outside the BX.  They have tables and a fountain and it is nice and cool.  And as an added bonus, this is the fastest internet speed I have found yet.
Off to the gym...
Love Megan

1 comment:

  1. Well i am glad to hear that things are going great for you! I love that you have a blog and everyone can keep intouch! that is a great idea! Sorry to hear that there really isn't any color...that could be boring..but it sounds very intresting over where you are at :-) I hope that you passed all your tests!
