Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lazy Days Off

While I had great intentions to get up at a reasonable time, I woke up much later than I had planned.  Unfortunately this means I probably won't be able to go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight.  I laid around all morning and watched Charmed on DVD in my room and then went up  to the BX and had some Starbucks.  I figured since it was my day off I could indulge.  The coffee over here is like $2 more expensive though.  Ugh, good incentive to not get starbucks very often. 
 I had to go into work today because I told my flight commander I would give a tour of our unit to the vice wing commander.  I then realized it was on my day off and I was only on his schedule if there ended up being time.  I spent an hour reading my book in the staff lounge just in case he had time, even though I had been told it would be very unlikely there would be.  Oh well, all I would have been doing anyways was reading my book somewhere else.  In fact after the vice commander left the hospital I went to the "hang out" spot that the chapel runs and read my book.  I had to rest up for the Commander's Cup dodge ball championship.  My team one our first game but lost our second.  I had a couple good plays in the second game and it even went into overtime but we still lost.  It was a lot of fun. 
 It is hard having a day off here because everyone else I work with on my floor is at work.  I need to meet other people who's day off is Tuesday as well.  Looking forward to 6 more days of work.  It's not as bad as I thought it would be.  Hopefully I will have a chance to work out during my shift tomorrow.  I have not been going to the gym as much as I thought I would because I am so tired for working so many days.
Thanks for the cookies grandma.  They were delicious and I will be taking them into work tomorrow to share.  
Love, Megan

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