Friday, July 3, 2009

Flexibility is the key to Airpower

I found out yesterday morning that I am going to depart San Antonio from  a military aircraft instead of a commercial flight and that it will be on Monday instead of Tuesday.  I have been so excited about going and then all of a sudden it was one day sooner than planned.  The good news is that my friend found out that she is leaving on Monday as well instead of today, so we will get to travel together to Qatar (at least we hope that is what will happen).

Yesterday was my last day at work and I unexpectedly got teary.  I got a rose and chocolate from one of the airman who is doing the sunshine fund and that set me off and then a couple other times I got to crying for no good reason.  Wilford Hall gave me a day yesterday that would make sure I wouldn't miss it too badly; it was so busy and hectic that I was ready to go and do something different. 

I'm almost done packing, all I have left are a few things that I need until I leave.  I will spend the weekend hanging out will friends and going to the gym.  Saturday we may go to Six Flags for the 4th of July.   Just trying to spend the last few days as a normal American before life does a complete 180. 

1 comment:

  1. Six months of lots of work for you....six months of lots of George and Geoff for me. This could be interesting!!! :D
