Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wow- I went to open the page to post a new blog but everything on my screen was written in Arabic and I had to reopen the page to get English (for a while I didn't think I was going to be able to post).  My face book page has a paragraph in Arabic when I open it but everything else is in English.  Over here on base everything is written in both Arabic and English.  Probably for the third country nationals who work here, however, all of which seem to speak excellent English.  I haven't had any problems talking to them and they have also been very nice.
I was going to open this posting with my excitement over getting to go to the flight line this evening to pick up 2 patients off of a C-130.  Flight nurses seem to have the coolest jobs, although both of these patients needed no care as they took their own meds and walked on and off the plane.  We took the ambulance out there because we had heard one would be on a litter.  I have gotten to drive the "Talivan" all over base so that I could get to know where things are and because some days I will be driving it to get patients off the flight line and check on our patients staying in billeting.  I passed the computer and written tests for flight line driving and tomorrow I will probably get the flight line tour and test on actual driving at both day and night at the flight line.  
I am heading off to bed now; I finally got six hours of sleep last night and tonight I am aiming for 8hours.  It isn't fun waking at 3:30am when you know you have to work all day.


1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    I'm so glad everything is going so well! I love reading your blog! Hopefully I'll be able to talk to you on-line at Erin's soon and make faces at you thru the camera...and I'm preparing a song..oh yes...there will be to you soon! :)
