Saturday, July 18, 2009

work, eat, sleep

Working six days a week isn't so bad as there isn't all that much else to do.  I get up and go to the chow hall, go to work, go to the chow hall for lunch, and dinner, go home and go to sleep.  I got all settled into my new dorm and it is amazingly nice.  I have a sink and mirror in my room and I share a bathroom that has a bathtub and a kitchen with a dining room table with a roommate.  I have yet to meet the person I share a bathroom with, but my sponsor, who lived here before me, said she should be leaving in a couple of weeks anyway.  
All of the other nurses that I will be working with have finally gotten here.  They all arrived about six days after me, but because I had those six extra days of one-on-one orientation, I am pretty far ahead in the orientation process.  In fact, my sponsor left yesterday so I have been working on the ward on my own.  However, there are still a few nurses who are on slightly off rotations and will still be here for a few months.  They do this so that not everyone is new at once.  I have been taking care of same day surgery patients the last two days; yesterday we had 4 same day surgeries.  Today my patient had a case of appendicitis.  He has only been here in Qatar for 8 days and ended up in the hospital.  It has been hard getting used to the way things are done on the ward here, often I am told "that's how it is in the AOR." AOR: area of responsibility.  
I know that pictures would be fun to see but I cannot find my camera cable  and my roommate can't find it for me at home.  I will have her send me my other camera, I think.   I want to thank all my readers especially my grandparents.  My mom says you two are faithful readers and it makes it fun to write this blog knowing that you are reading it.
Hopefully something interesting happens to write about for my next post but until then I hope that everyone is doing well.
Love, Megan

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