Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hurry up and wait and wait some more...

    The last 24 hours have been a real test of my patience, especially considering my severe lack of sleep.  I left San Antonio on Monday morning around 0930 on  a commercial (Jet Blue) jet after having to be at the hospital at 0400.  My wonderful friends Erin and Sara took me to breakfast at Denny's at 3am- it was crowded considering it was essentially a Sunday night.  Then they hung out with me for an hour at the hospital until they were kicked out and my briefing started. We eventually were driven over to the terminal at Kelly Air Base.  Even though it was a family day on base, the wing commander came and so did my Squadron commander.   There were only about 30 of us on a plane that probably seats around 200 however, that only lasted to Dallas as we stopped at the Carswell Field, a Navy Base to pick up more people.  We sat on the tarmac for over two hours waiting for who knows what.  All I know is they didn't let us off the plane.  Then we flew to Little Rock where we picked up a few more people at the Little Rock AFB.  We sat on that tarmac for about two hours there as well.   Grrrr.  Then we finally flew into Norfolk where we landed just after another plane full of people and I stood in a 90 minute line to recheck my bags for my flight out over the Atlantic to find out that I actually don't leave for another 48 hours.  It took another 2 hours to get checked into a hotel room but I have not appreciated a bed so much in a long time.  
    I plan to enjoy the next 48 hours relaxing and enjoying myself until my long flight tomorrow night.  I went to the gym this morning and will look for a place to eat after my shower.  Not too bad, but I am still getting used to not having a car and walking everywhere.  


  1. Did you get a hotel to yourself or are you sharing with some of the other people? Hopefully you found something exciting to eat. Too bad you had to wait so much on the plane.

  2. You're just getting used to the military way. Sometimes the waiting is good, sometimes not so much. Hope the weather at Norfolk is nice at least so you're not walking in the rain!! Mom
