Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My LIfe in Pictures

 This is the gym closest to my dorm that I work 
This is the "BPC."  It stands for Branford-Preston Complex which is the area of base that I live on but in this building is the BX, movie theater, Starbucks, free wireless internet, and the game room.  It is a great place to hang out on my day off when I want to get out of my room.
Sorry this picture isn't very close up, but it is my dorm.  Somewhere around 200 people live in the building and it feels like an apartment complex.  Just off to the right of my building is dining hall and behind me about 1/10 of a mile is the hospital.  I always walk across this dirt area to get to work. 
Just another picture of the dirt field I am always walking across.  In the picture off in the distance is the BPC.
This is a closer picture of my dorm from the "Talivan."  One of the nurses I work with took it while I was driving us to get meals for us and the patients.  Along the very top of the building, you can just make out the row of windows.  Since I am on the second floor, the windows are right above the rooms across from mine and make it pretty bright in my room.  Makes it feel like I have an outside window.
This is the hospital/clinic where I work.

The first picture is of the ICU, it has 3 beds and so far we have had one ICU patient.  Thankfully if they are sick enough to be in the ICU, they either go downtown really quick or they get airevac'd out quickly.   The next is of the ward, it has 8 beds, 4 on one side and 4 on the other.  In the closest spot a bed has been removed because that patient is in surgery.
This is a picture of the teeny, tiny nurses station.  We have 4-5 nurses on day shift so it gets really crowded.  One of the nurses is the element chief and she has an office and sometimes someone hangs out in the ICU and uses that computer to give us more room.

This is a Jersey Barrier.  Someone painted it to represent the 379th EMDG (expeditionary medical group).  It says Force Sustainers, Health Maintainers along the sides and across the bottom, Desert Medics.

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