Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happiness is a rotator plane headed West...

Don't worry, it's not me worried about going home it is the 3 suicide attempt patients we had this week that will end up being Airevac'd to the States. 2 of these were a Romeo and Juliet scenario except both are doing fine now. We are giving them this disgusting medication that smells like rotten eggs that is supposed to save their liver and kidneys from the meds they overdosed on but I don't really feel sorry for them since they did it to themselves. It's been a crazy week as we've had many more patients than usual, one of these was a Aussie who had an emergency appendectomy.
I decided I was eating entirely too much junk food and sugar so I have cut it off completely. I have gone two days without sugar and am hoping that it will help me lose weight. I will of course have to lift the ban when my Grandma sends me the Chocolate Chip Cookies she promised. I have to get stricter on my training for the half marathon- I took a class last week that took me a week to recover from so I haven't run much this week.
I don't have much else to say tonight and I am pretty tired so I am going to bed early.


1 comment:

  1. mucomist? wow, i kinda miss those days passing the lemony sniket books back and forth! oh, and all that time we spent at panara...
