Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sorry everyone that it has been so long since my last time writing.  While my actual work (taking care of my patients) doesn't take all that much time, it is my extra duties that have been keeping me busy.  I was asked by my Squadron commander if I would be the Medical Group's representative for Wingman's week and I said sure.  At the time I didn't know what I was getting myself into and since then it has been crazy.  This is wing level project which means that it involves the entire base and I am the coordinator for the medical people of the base.  I have been planning activities and sporting events and breakfast for the med group with the commander and such.  I have also been involved in writing OIs (operating instructions, which are guidelines for everything we do, from our visitation policy to our PCA pumps (Patient controlled analgesia).  All this extra stuff got started because I wasn't busy with my patients so I would read my book or work on a puzzle book and feel guilty about it (Not that anyone else was working any harder).  So I would volunteer to do something and finish it and then help with something else, it has been a great learning experience.
I got nominated by my Squadron Commander for the Desert Medic Award, which I am not entirely sure what it is, about but I have to go in front of a board and answer questions.  These questions are picked from current events, both non-military and military, base rules and off base policies.  Such random stuff and I will have to read the "Stars and Stripes" which is the newspaper for the region to be able to answer the questions.  They will also see all that I have been involved in and then judge. I guess I shouldn't complain but it is just more stuff I am working on.  After next week, when wingman's week is over, I will feel much better.
I was trying to join one of the off base trips this week but I got busy with other stuff today and never submitted my paperwork and now it is too late.   Ramadan starts on the 21st and after that we can't go off base during the entire period which lasts a month.  So I will have to make up for my lack of visits off base in October.
Hope everyone is doing well and I will write more soon.
Love, Megan

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