Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The wet bulb says 99

I still distinctly remember, even though it has been 13 years, leaving the airport after first arriving to Guam and feeling like I was in a Sauna. That doesn't even compare to the last 2 days here. I have never felt anything like it; my sunglasses fog up as soon as I walk outside and I am drenched in sweat after only a couple minutes. The wet bulb normally hits 85-89 degrees and today it reached 99. This takes into account the humidity level and the actual temperature which was probably in the 1teens. It being my day of today, I felt the heat more as I walked around base going between the pool and movie theater and the gym.
I was supposed to see Star Trek today but they hadn't gotten it in yet, so everyone in the theater voted on Wolverine. I hadn't seen it yet so I stuck around to try it out, but after 20 minutes the pool was calling my name. At least I had already seen Star Trek.
If you haven't heard, the Air Force Marathon is coming to Al Udeid on Sept 11th and another nurse at work convinced me to run it with her. I have been trying to train for it so yesterday I managed to run 8 miles. I was feeling it today and then I went to this class called Body Pump led by a British guy. I am hurting, I have not worked my whole body this hard ever. A few weeks of this class and I should be much more toned. I hope.
Tomorrow is a base wide exercise and the next two days after that are full of Wingman's week activities. It will be a busy next three days.
Good night!

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