Friday, September 11, 2009

Definitely a good week

I did it! I completed my first half marathon this morning. I came in at 2h22m which is just under an 11 min mile. After taking some Motrin this afternoon, I'm feeling pretty good. There were a lot of people out there but most just participated in the 10K that they held at the same time. I got a nice medal and t-shirt out of it as well. They took a lot of pictures that I need to get my hands on; Iwill try to post them when I get them.
We took care of a patient last month who is a Weapons system operator on the B-1 Bomber. We asked him if he would give us a tour and he took 3 of us out to one of the planes. It is a very cool jet that isn't much more than 4 engines, fuel and bombs. All of the bomb storage bays were open in the plane and we got to get up on a ladder and sign a bomb that will eventually get dropped in Afghanistan.
The other great thing that happened this week was finding out I won the CGO Desert Medic of the month. Now my picture is hanging just inside the front door of the hospital.
Altogether, this week was a pretty great week. This was following on the heels of a crazy busy week where I was the A/E nurse running two of our largest missions where we brought in 10 patients and filled all of our outpatient beds and then turned around a few days later and sent 10 patients either on to Landstuhl or to their forward operating base (FOB).
We also said good bye to one of the nurses who had finished his 6 months. We had a fun going away get together in which the CC and Vice CC showed up. It is really cool knowing everyone in the hospital and having the group CC know your name. Our entire hospital is smaller than my unit back home 86 vs 100.
Check back for pictures of both the B-1 tour and the half marathon.
Love, Megan

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