Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today has been a pretty emotional day. It started out like a typical Sunday- no patients on the ward, no surgeries scheduled. I was running our Wounded Warrior Clinic so I went over to the other side of base where they stay and did muster (roll call) and to check and see if they had any issues. It was quick and easy. When I got back, my supervisor asked if I wanted to go to the Fallen Warrior ceremony in a few minutes. I didn't write about it before in the blog- but I've been to one and it is such a moving experience. It is a way to honor and pay tribute to our fallen soldiers as they pass through this base and on to Germany and ultimately to their families. While none of the Wing leadership has to go, almost all of the group and Wing and Vice Wing commanders go even on their day off. Today it was my Commanders day off and he came and picked us up at the hospital to go out to the flight line. Everyone goes and boards the Cargo plane that they arrive on and the Chaplain says a prayer. Then we form up in two single file lines and as the pall bearers bring each casket off the plane we salute them. Then as the vehicles carrying the bodies drive away, we turn and face them and salute them. Today it was one American and two Coalition forces.
When I got back from the ceremony, two of the nurses I am working with were starting a movie. It was "Taking Chance." This movie is based on a real story about a USMC Lt Col who volunteers to escort a fallen PFC (E-3) home and how all along the way from Dover to Montana, he is moved by how people respond when transporting this marine. The beginning of the movie showed a fallen warrior ceremony that was nearly identical to the one I had just attended. I cried almost the whole way through the movie. I definitely recommend seeing it, just have tissues.
On a lighter note, my Grandmother sent the best chocolate chip cookies. And she is 2for2 on getting them to arrive intact- no one else has gotten intact cookies. She also sent homemade apple sauce which I don't think I have ever had before and is much better than the store bought kind.
Thanks to everyone who has sent packages, I have gotten several from Erin and Sara and my mom and Rick have sent me two. It is a lot of fun and feels like Christmas every time.
I will have to write after I go downtown again on Tuesday. I get to spend more time there and will get to see more of Doha.
Love, Megan

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