Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time is passing

I just received a card from my grandmother (I love getting mail). She said she loves to read my blogs and I started feeling bad that I haven't written in a while so here goes...
I have approximately 74 days left and I have completed 58.8% of my time here (yes I keep track). It is called the "donut of misery," an Excel program that tells you all your stats about your time here. It if finally cooling down, usually in the low 90s but today has been more humid than normal.
My trip off base last week was okay, we drove through Doha which is a HUGE city; I couldn't believe how many skyscrapers there were. We went to the biggest mall in the city which wasn't as nice as the one that we went to before. We ate in the food court at a Qatari fast food restaurant. The food was really good, lots of kabobs and hummus. We also stopped by the souqs, which are the markets where you can buy a lot of jewelry and barter to bring the prices down. Not really my kind of thing but the girls I went with had fun. I thought we would have the whole day but the two guys who took us had to be back at work early that evening and one of the nurses is on nights so we didn't meet until noon.
We got wifi internet in the hospital which is really great for the patients. I think we give less pain meds and since our patients never have family with them they can Skype with their family and friends. I got to talk to my mom and Rick on Skype at work yesterday and they got to meet some of my co-workers.
I hope everyone is doing well and I miss you.

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