Monday, January 11, 2010

Beach House Bash- Am I really Still Deployed?

Yesterday I had some of the most incredible and fun hours of my deployment. Not only had I finished all my shifts at work and gotten my replacement trained but I was invited to go to the Qatari equivalent of the Secretary of Defense's beach house.
It was a 4 day event with about 200 people going everyday. Forthe entire two hour drive out there and back we had Qatari military escort. They were at the front and back of the 8 vehicle caravan that included our Wing Commander. They would pull out ahead at all the traffic round-abouts that are more common than street lights and stop traffic for us. It was incredible. Once we got there they opened up the activities for us to do as we wanted. They had a light lunch buffet with crepes and sandwiches and desserts - it was delicious.
After we ate we decided to take a camel ride. My camel was fairly well behaved but as soon as I got my leg over it's back, it stood up. Luckily I was holding on tight. We were led on a five minute walk around the front of the compound.
I wish I had a picture of it but I got to ride on some jet skis. I got 3- ten minute trips in the Persian Gulf. I topped out at about 65mph. At about that point I would start imagining all the broken bones if I went any faster. He had so many jet skis and since the weather was a little cooler there really wasn't a line waiting for them.
I then took a couple trips down this slide while my shorts were still wet after jet skiing. I am on the left, racing one of the night shift docs. We are both flying out tonight and he says when we stop in Germany that we will be drinking. We'll see...

This is the tent where we feasted on dinner. I actually ate some camel which was interesting since I had been on one ealier that day. Maybe it was the misbehaved camel that was making a lot of noise.
Well I only have about 15 hours left of my deployment. I am hanging out at the hospital waiting on my clothes to finish in the dryer so I can pack. Can't wait to touch ground in Baltimore.

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