Tuesday, November 17, 2009

No need for Noah's Ark or even an umbrella

I'm watching last weeks Grey's Anatomy episode and they have a new doctor who just finished serving in Iraq. It starts raining in the episode and the doctor goes out to dance in the rain. Another doctor explains her behavior by saying "she's been in the desert a long time." I know exactly how she feels. I think I will dance in the rain when I see it again. It has been over 4 months. I was walking across the moonscape- the sandy field that separates the chow hall and the hospital when I came across a little weed surrounded by a ring of rocks. I had to laugh in understanding as it is only living thing within site. Turns out one of the night shift nurses put the ring around it and he takes half drunk abandoned water bottles to water it.
Not much else is going on around here. I will be meeting a four star general after he tours the base at an hour long social at the DEL (the bar). Don't really know how I got selected but it is me and one other nurse going. For the last 2 months we have had so many Generals and Colonels here, but they finally left. There was one particular brick path that no one wanted to walk down because it went from the chow hall to where all the big wigs worked and you practically had to walk with your hand to your forehead in constant salute.
Only 51 days left (plus or minus a few days).

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