Tuesday, November 17, 2009

No need for Noah's Ark or even an umbrella

I'm watching last weeks Grey's Anatomy episode and they have a new doctor who just finished serving in Iraq. It starts raining in the episode and the doctor goes out to dance in the rain. Another doctor explains her behavior by saying "she's been in the desert a long time." I know exactly how she feels. I think I will dance in the rain when I see it again. It has been over 4 months. I was walking across the moonscape- the sandy field that separates the chow hall and the hospital when I came across a little weed surrounded by a ring of rocks. I had to laugh in understanding as it is only living thing within site. Turns out one of the night shift nurses put the ring around it and he takes half drunk abandoned water bottles to water it.
Not much else is going on around here. I will be meeting a four star general after he tours the base at an hour long social at the DEL (the bar). Don't really know how I got selected but it is me and one other nurse going. For the last 2 months we have had so many Generals and Colonels here, but they finally left. There was one particular brick path that no one wanted to walk down because it went from the chow hall to where all the big wigs worked and you practically had to walk with your hand to your forehead in constant salute.
Only 51 days left (plus or minus a few days).

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Med Group over here had a visit from Maj Gen Siniscalchi, the Chief Nurse of the Air Force and the Deputy Surgeon General. She had just been touring the AOR (Iraq and Afghanistan) and she came by the hospital to get a tour. We were able to host a dinner for all the nurses on base including the A/E nurses and

the nurses that work with the units that plan all the A/E missions (about 30 people). My chief nurse told me I had to meet them in the conference room after she toured the hospital. She wouldn't tell me why. When I got there, 4 enlisted people from the med group were there as well and didn't know why. Our Hospital Commander brought in the General for a briefing and prior to the briefing, the 5 of us got coined. Our commander explained to her some of the extra things that we do at the hospital. I think I got coined because I have taken on a lot of extra duties and it stands out because I am the youngest and lowest ranking officer (the only Lt in the hospital). I just do it to keep from being really bored at work. When my Group Commander got to me, Gen Sinischachi said "You look just like your mother."
I had helped plan the dinner and talked to protocol and set up the flags and the placards on the DV table. Prior to the dinner starting, someone rearranged the name placards and I couldn't figure out why. When the dinner started my Hospital Commander stood up and said that the only Junior Officer should sit at the head table in his spot next to the General. It was very embarrassing but cool to get to sit next to her. General Sinischachi said I should start off the buffet line but prior to that, she told the story of how a few months ago she had retired my mom.
One other cool, small world kind of thing is that my Squadron commander is a physical therapist and his younger sister is one as well in the AF, but right now she is working as the General's Executive Officer. It was interesting seeing the two Maj Lyons' together.
Over all a very fun evening.